SCOTUS to Hear a Case with Free Speech Implications.
On December 5, 2022 the Supreme Court of the United States is set to hear Creative 303 v Colorado Civil Rights Commission. The Plantiff contends that a Colorado antidiscrimination law violates her freedom of speech, as it outlaws her from expressing her beliefs about the definition of marriage on her website.
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Whiskey Reviews
Every month I get a new bottle of whiskey via a subscription. I will post a non-scientific review of each bottle. These reviews are for the regular Jacks out there!
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Legitimate Case of Excessive Use of Force
On October 2, 2022 a San Antonio Police Officer shot and gravely wounded a 17-year-old minding his own business, in a McDonald's parking lot. This is my take.
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You miss 100% of the shots you don't take.

– Wayne Gretzky

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