Biden Releases ARMS DEALER in Exchange for Basketball Player

On February 17, 2022, WNBA star Britney Griner was arrested at an airport in Russia (the foreign country) for drug charges related to cannabis oil found in her luggage. Possession of such substances is prohibited in Russia. She was later plead guilty, was convicted, and sentenced to nine years in prison, and a Russian court subsequently rejected an appeal.

On December 8, 2022, Britney Griner is released after a prisoner exchange agreement is reached. So, who did we release in exchange for a basketball player? Viktor Bout, “the Merchant of Death.” Mr. Bout spent decades selling weapons to anyone willing to pay for them. Weapons that likely killed an untold number, many of which were likely used to kill American troops abroad. In 2012, Mr. Bout was convicted of arms dealing and sentenced to 25 years in prison in the United States.

So, our illustrious President traded a known and convicted terrorist for a basketball player, seems legit, right? One can only hope there is a plan in place to take Mr. Bout back into custody when he once again delves back into selling weapons to rogue states and organizations.

I’ve seen lots of posts about ex-United States Marine Paul Whelan not being included in this particular prisoner swap. I was unaware of Mr. Whelan’s plight before writing this post, and I was also initially angered. Before any former Marines send me hate mail, let me address my use of “ex-Marine” above. In 2008, Mr. Whelan was dishonorably discharged after being court-martialed for trying to steal $10,000 dollars. A dishonorable discharge forfeits the distinction of “former Marine,” in my view. In light of the fact he was convicted of trying to steal money, utilizing his position within the Marine Corps would muddy the waters a bit if he were included in the prisoner swap agreement.

Bottom line, I don’t believe Mr. Whelan should be left to languish in a Russian penal colony after a shady trial; I don’t believe we should have swapped an international arms dealer/terrorist for either of them.

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