Donald Trump is a Sore Loser. Period.

Apparently, the former President of the United States, with emphasis on former, posted to his Truth Social (what the hell is that?) account the following:

A Massive Fraud of this type and magnitude allows for the termination of all rules, regulations, and articles, even those found in the Constitution. Our great ‘Founders’ did not want, and would not condone, False & Fraudulent Elections!

What kind of lunatic would suggest terminating the Constitution of the United States? Donald Trump would, of course. He has proven time and time again that he cares for nothing more than himself, his own status, and his ego, and this is literally the proverbial cherry on top. It is unfathomable that anyone would continue to support such a dolt in what is clearly nothing more than a grab for ultimate power and supremacy. This is really the man you want to have access to and control of Nuclear Weapons? God help the first foreign administrator to make fun of his spray-on tan and fake hair.

Though Trump did try to walk back his statements (sort of), he still ended it with a crybaby tantrum that he should be “reinstated” to office as a “true winner.”

Photo by Darren Halstead on Unsplash

From a strictly political standpoint, Trump’s policies in office really weren’t that big of a deal. I think he did some decent things that may have helped the economy and did some not-so-good things that didn’t help anything. His response to COVID-19 was a bit sluggish, but the democrats weren’t any faster in their response, initially shrugging it off similarly. Given a second term, however, I feel he would be much more extreme to suit whatever his agenda may be; and that agenda would have little to nothing to do with benefitting the people of the United States.

Also, something to keep in mind is that whoever holds the office of the President of the United States not only represents themselves but represents the country as a whole. In this respect, Donald Trump was awful, and the current President isn’t doing so hot in this area either. Donald Trump always spoke to others in a condescending tone and ensured the inflation of his own ego, truth be damned.

At this point in time, I can’t fathom people who claim freedom is of the utmost importance continue to support Donald Trump. Such continued support can only be due to one of two things, pure ignorance (incidental or wilful) or the fact that those people truly don’t care for freedom at all. The current administration is pushing for Republican leaders to condemn Trump’s statement, which they should have immediately done. In being mum on the issue, they continue to alienate moderate conservatives and potentially set themselves up for another loss in 2024, even if they do bring forth a quality candidate (of which there are a few, none of whom is named Donald Trump).

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